
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - January 2013

Respected Hakeem sahib, I have been reading your magazine since a very long time. You have asked in your magazine to write down observations; be it spiritual or medical, to benefit others. No doubt that concealing knowledge is not good conduct, rather sharing is. I belong to a very religious family and also have interest in spirituality and medicine. Because of which I have lots of observations and experience to share with you all. 

How did she get rid of Demon?

 I knew a lady who lived in our area. She was very beautiful. She got possessed by demon when she visited Multan. She said that she suffered lot of discomfort and pain when the demons possess her. I asked her to recite Surah Jinn. She recited it 7 times in the mornings and 7 times in the evenings. She told me that she was all fine now due to the recitation of the Surah.

Increase in respect: 

It is in my routine to recite the following name 100 times in the mornings یَامُقْتَدِرُ It increases your respect and you will never get tensed or upset. Where ever I go anywhere, everybody treats me with respect. Ablution is not obligatory. I have been reading this for last 10-15 years. It’s an awesome thing. 

Easy formula to stay Safe from Theft:

Often my money and jewellery are stolen from home. Sometime they are stolen by Demons. The easiest way to stay safe from theft is that whenever you lock, Recite tasmia (BISMILLAH) while locking and unlocking. Read a tasbeeh of taaooz and tasmia, each after fajr prayers.  Your things will never be stolen.

تسبیح اَعُوْذُ  بِاللہِ مِنَ الشَّیْطٰنِ الرَّجِیْمِ

To enforce a transfer/ acceptance of prayers:

For this you need to stand with your head uncovered and recite the following 300 time at night at 12 am. Until your work is done as required, continue this Amal. Usually your work will be done in 1-2 weeks.

یَامُسَبِّبَ الْاَسْبَابْتین تسبیحات

Strange Amal for Love:

Very effective for love. It’s an awesome Amal to increase love between husband and wife. Whoever has been told to read this Amal are living happily. It can be read by one person or both husband and wife. Recite 3000 times and blow on food and should be eaten. Allah increases love in spouses.


یَاوَدُوْدُ، یَالَطِیْفُ

Immediate acceptance of prayer:

This is a tested thing if you need your prayer to be accepted quickly. Four nafil to be performed in such a way that Surah Al-Ikhlaas is read 100 times in first Rakat, 75 times in second rakat, 50 times in 3rdrakat and 27 times in fourth rakat. After salam, read 313 times DuroodShareef. Read ASTAGHFAAR 70 times. In the state of Sajadah, beg Allah for what you want with full concentration and faith.

It is tested by me many times. In fact I always ask Allah by praying in the above mentioned procedure. With the grace of Allah, my prayers are never rejected.

If Husband is angry:

If someone’s husband gets angry on her and does not talk properly to her. She should read the following verse of Surah Baqarah 100 times in the morning after Fajar prayer and after Isha prayer, with the imagination of her husband. InshAllah you will see a drastic change. This can also be done by Husband for their wives.

فَسَیَکْفِیْکَہُمُ اللہُ وَہُوَ السَّمِیْعُ الْعَلِیْمُ﴿البقرۃ۱۳۷﴾

Release of the Prisoner: 

If someone is caught in a wrong case or if someone has committed a crime and is guilty about it whole heartedly and ask forgiveness from Allah. If the prisoner reads Ayat-e-Kareema for 1 lakh 25 thousand times, his punishment will be reduced. It has been tested many times. It is more beneficial if the prisoner reads it himself. Otherwise family members can read it together.

If any jobless youngster reads this, his life will definitely change from hut to palace.

Once a non-Muslim was murdered by my nephew. Someone asked him to read Ayat-e-Kareema before sun rise along with 1100 times KalimaShareef, 100 times, “YA ALLAH BE GENEROUS” (Ya Allah! Karamfarma) Insha Allah within 21 days or 40 days, the case will be over. They did & the case was called off.

Getting Rid of Drug:

If anyone’s husband or son is in the habit of taking Drugs, they should read Surah Ikhlaas 11, 21 or 41 times near them when they are in deep sleep; he will quit the habit.  If anyone is involved in gambling, he should stand in front of the mirror, look at himself and try to make faces from different angles; as if copying someone. Keep doing this for some period of time for benefitting. This Amal was given to me by a pious person.

Relief from Diseases and tension:

Once my daughter took me to a doctor who told me that I was suffering from many dangerous diseases. I told him that I will cure myself within few days. The doctor asked how. I answered through meditation. I will cure myself from all diseases and tension. I stand straight after prayer and take deep breath 3 times, then 5 times, and then next day 7 times and recite   یَاسَلَامُ YA SALAAMO which means to remain safe.

This Amal is also good for cancer patients, but the condition is that it should be done with full concentration and without any disturbance. This is tested and applied by many people.

Restlessness of a pregnant lady:

When a lady gets pregnant, she suffers from restless ness. She does not feel hungry neither feels like eating anything. In this case, eat 5-10 pieces of sweetened gooseberries, (aamlaykamurabba) morning and evening. She will feel hungry and will never be restless

Note:  The sweetened gooseberries should be washed with water and then consumed. DO NOT EAT SWEETENED.

For weak eye sight: 

If someone has weak eye sight. They should eat sweetened black Myrobalan (Hareerkamuraba) with milk before sleeping. InshAllah this will improve your vision.

Remedy 2:


Fennel Seed (Sonf), Chick peas (Chany), Almond (badam), &Giri should be taken in equal quantities and ground together. Add (Misri) to the mixture. This mixture should be taken as 1 spoon with milk. This is my own observation for improving the vision


Benefits of Applying Oil on the navel:

If your feel hot, suffer from burning feeling in the foot, feel dizzy, increase in heart rate after little walk, then you should apply oil on your navel regularly and also apply oil between you toe thumb and toe finger. You will be benefited a lot. This remedy should be regularly used for better result.

Home remedy for Burnt area: 

If during work, any part of your body gets burnt, apply tooth paste on the affected area. You will get rid of the pain and will keep the area cool.

Tips for physical power and benefit of Honey:

If you feel physically weak, you should add honey in hot milk and drink it daily. This will definitely reduce your weakness. Other benefit of honey is that a person who regularly consumes honey will never get diabetes.

People who feel bloated should mix honey with black onion seed (Kalongi) and eat. I always give this mixture to my sons and Thank Allah that they never face stomach problem.

Easy treatment for Urticaria (chapaki):

If someone is suffering from Urticaria, then mix 2 injections of Penicillin in a bottle of Vaseline. Apply on the chapakiat night. Apply at night and feel a noticeable difference in the morning.

Tea Powder and Eyes Diseases: 

Do not throw the used tea powder. You can wrap them in small cloth and keep them on your eyes. This is very beneficial to get rid of tiredness of eyes. Especially for those people who do welding and computer jobs. All flaws of eyes shall be cured.

For Itchiness:

Due to allergy i was suffering for Itchiness. My brother told me to massage the mixture of Jamba oil (Taramira oil) and Gari Oil on the whole body. This was very effective for itchiness. It is also beneficial for girls who are affected by lice.

Have Long Hair: 

I have a tested and tried tip to have long hairs. It has also been tried by many other ladies.

Soap Nut (Reetha), Gooseberries (Amla). And fenugreek seeds (Maithray) to be taken in equal quantities and crushed in powder form. Boil the mixture in the water. Add 1 Kg mustard oil to boiling water and heat it till it is reduced. Apply this mixture on your hair. You hair will gain length in days. 

If you have dandruff in your hair, you should make paste of ziziphusnummularia (Bairi leaves). Mix it with yogurt and apply on your hairs. This is very beneficial to get rid of dandruff; not after 1 application but after few applications. Our mother used to ask us to apply pure Ghee on our hair. Impact of eating and applying is different.  This is the reason the hairs were very strong and long in olden days. You can also apply Chick pea flour on your hair to get rid of oily hair.

Cracked Heels:

Wash your foot at night with a regular soap and apply Grease (used in motorcycle and cars) on your heels before going to bed at night. You will notice a change in the morning. It is very effective.

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